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Principal, Director of Design

Florencia Turco DeRoussel is Within Studio’s National Leader for Design Experience working across all offices to employ a collaborative and creative design process. Florencia has created a team-based design culture that embodies creative passion, innovation and authenticity. Her ability to forge strong connections, and her ability to communicate complex solutions to clients in an accessible, relatable way has led to lasting, trusted client relationships.

Florencia’s career began in Arizona working on a variety of corporate office, hospitality, retail and high-end residential projects. She launched Within Studio in 2005 where her process-driven approach to design earned her recognition as one of Tucson’s leading interior designers.

In her role as a principal, Florencia stewards some of Within’s most important client relationships. She is passionate about delivering creative solutions to our clients and leading for excellence with our teams. Florencia brings 20 years of experience managing the delivery of large capital projects in a variety of sectors and across multiple geographies, including Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Her client-centric approach, global outlook, and ability to see every project from multiple viewpoints – developer, tenant, owner, and designer – ensures that the expectations of all stakeholders are exceeded.

Florencia was named one of Tucson’s 40 under 40 in 2009. She is a licensed interior designer and a member of the National Council for Interior Design Qualifications and the International Interior Design Association. She holds a Bachelor of Interior Design with Honors from Louisiana State University, at which she is a frequent speaker.


CANstruction 2014

  • People's Choice 

  • Best Use of Labels

CANstruction 2013

  • People's Choice 

  • Honorable Mention

IIDA Couture 2012 SW Chapter

  • Best Haute Couture

40 Under 40

  • Awarded 2009


Bachelor of Interior Design

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana


  • National Council for Interior Design Qualifications #022877

  • International Interior Design Association #308964

  • State of Louisiana #1471


International Interior Design Association

National Council for Interior Design Qualifications

Arizona Public Media Advisory Board

Metropolitan Pima Alliance

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